Monday, December 31, 2007

The Economics of Love

Man.... after an age everybody looks for an opposite sex with for who one can become possessive ...... but there are certain culture(s) / rituals to be adhered to when a man is in love !!!

Once in love dude ...... your purse understand the actual meaning of "Inflation" ...... there are too many things to do but your purse is running out of bills ...... man you need to pay ...... whether it be Elevate or PVR ..... and this is the first time you understand better how the rising cost of petrol affects the economy ......

You need to care more for others time ...... Reason ..... if you don't there is "Elasticity of Demand" ....... your demand is highly elastic ...... you fail to manage your time according to others for 3 - 4 instances ....... u will face the threat of "Open Market" ..... Cut throat competition exists ..... if you can't someone else will match ones time according to others .........

So, better you watch ....... Freak, Fun, Masti ..... Everything is Great ..... But "Love" ...... Think Twice ...... Go ahead only if you are serious as this is "SERIOUS" !!!!!


बाबुषा said...

hehehehe :)


i juss loved it...Mr Thinker!!

Utpal said...

Thanks baabusha ........ at least some one has seen it :)